Club Constitution

Oadby Town FC Constitution

1. Name

The club shall be known as Oadby Town Football Club (the "Club"). For multiple teams in any age group, they shall be referred to as "Golden Panthers" and "Golden Pantheresses".

2. Objects

The Club's objective is to provide facilities, promote Association Football, organize matches and social activities for its members, and encourage community participation.

3. Status of Rules

These rules (the "Club Rules") create a binding agreement for all Club members.

4. Rules and Regulations

(a) Members must follow Club Rules, The Football Association Limited ("The FA") regulations, the Parent County Association rules, and current Competition rules. (b) Proposed alterations to Club Rules need prior written approval from the Parent County Association and may also need FA approval. (c) The Club will adhere to The FA's Child Protection Policies, Codes of Conduct, and Equality Policy.

5. Club Membership

(a) The Club's members are those listed in the Membership Register, managed by the Club Secretary. (b) To become a member, an application form must be submitted and approved by the Club Committee, in line with anti-discrimination and equality policies. Membership includes players and their parents/guardians, as a 'family membership.' Only individuals over 18 can hold committee positions or vote, with one vote per family. (c) Resignation or expulsion results in removal from the Membership Register. (d) The FA and Parent County Association can access the Membership Register.

6. Annual Membership Fee

(a) An annual fee, determined by the Club Committee, shall be paid by each member. It's payable upon joining and annually by each member family. (b) The Club Committee may levy further subscriptions to fulfill Club objectives.

7. Resignations and Expulsion

(a) Members can resign by notifying the Club Committee or are considered resigned if fees are over two months in arrears. (b) The Club Committee can expel members for the Club's best interest. Appeals can be made per the Complaints Procedure. (c) Resigned or expelled members have no claim to Club assets.

8. Club Committee

(a) The Club Committee consists of Club Officers: Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Club Secretary, Welfare Officer, Charter Standard Coordinator, and up to five other members. (b) Each Officer holds office until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), with a maximum of two positions per person. (c) The Club Committee manages Club affairs. Decisions are by majority vote with the Chairperson's casting vote in a tie. (d) Meetings are chaired by the Chairperson or Club Secretary, with a quorum of three. (e) Club Committee meetings can be called by any member with seven days' notice. (f) Club Committee decisions are recorded in the Minute Book. (g) Club Committee handles questions and disputes, aligned with rules of The FA and Parent County Association.

9. Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings

(a) An AGM is held annually to report activities, finances, elect Committee members, and address business. (b) Nominations for Club Officers and resolutions must be proposed and seconded 21 days before AGM. (c) An EGM is called within 21 days of a requisition signed by at least three members. (d) General Meeting notice and resolutions are sent to members at least 14 days before the meeting. (e) Quorum is 50%. (f) Resolutions require a simple majority. In case of a tie, the Chairperson has a casting vote. (g) Minutes of General Meetings are recorded.

10. Club Teams

(a) Club Committees appoint a member responsible for each football team. (b) Managers present team reports to the Committee before AGM. (c) At least one representative of each team attends Committee meetings.

11. Club Finances

(a) A Club Account is maintained by designated signatories. Monies must be deposited, and withdrawals require authorized signatures. (b) Club Property serves Club objectives, not profit distribution. (c) Club Committee can authorize remuneration, expenses, and benefits. (d) Club provides sporting facilities, equipment, coaching, insurance, and more. (e) Financial Statements are presented and approved at General Meetings. (f) Club Property vests in Custodians, appointed and removed in General Meetings.

12. Dissolution

(a) A resolution to dissolve requires three-quarters majority at a General Meeting. (b) Dissolution effectuates after the resolution's date. Club Committee handles assets and liabilities winding up. (c) Surplus assets go to another Club, Competition, Parent County Association, or The FA for community sports use.